Saturday 14 July 2012

Deep Breaths....

Another attitude of gratitude journal page

Sunday 8 July 2012

Decorated Diary - 28th June 2012

My youngest daughter put together these awesome flowers on this page


My Journal side on - packed full of decorations, photos, journaling etc....

Friday 6 July 2012

Being made to slow down

Over the past few weeks there has been an advertisement on the television blaring about having "no time for sick" showing an overworked sick mother racing around her kitchen, feeding her children and trying to get them out the door all in the effort to sell their product.  Not only is this advertisement loud but it grates horribly on the nerves, it has gotten me thinking though, and probably not in the way the advertising agency intended.

You see there have been plenty of times where I've thought 'uhh ohh - sore throat', 'nope cannot be', 'I cannot get sick', 'I do not have time to be sick'. Recent events however have made me examine these thought processes slightly.

Last week when I began to come down with the cold my daughter had had for almost a week I had to stop, take stock and practice what I have been preaching to her in previous days... i.e. you need to stop, take time to rest and look after yourself, and I'm pleased to say that that is what I've done. It hasn't been easy I have to admit, taking time off work, ignoring the housework, asking others to help when needed and pretty much having to live at a slower pace so that I can get well has been somewhat of a learning curve but in the long run it has paid off, the cold is slowly resolving and I haven't experienced the normal dreaded fibromyalgia flare which almost always accompanies a cold like this.

I don't think that the "no time for sick" company quite intended their potential consumer to react in this manner, sadly they won't be making any money from me any time in the future.

Do you slow down and take time to get through illnesses? Or do you power on as we're bombarded to believe we should?