Wednesday 25 April 2012

Solar Cooking

Now that the hard work of moving, unpacking and organising is pretty much done I've found the bits and pieces that make up my solar cooker. Given that it's a beautiful sunny day without a cloud in sight here in the HB I decided to try my luck and see what sort of temperatures I could get - imagine my delight when the thermometer got a smidgen over 82 celsius, especially as we're in the middle of autumn!

Summer has been a bust this year so I'm going to pack the solar cooker away until next year when I will dust it off, refresh my memory by perusing up some solar cooking recipes and get stuck in! This is exciting - especiallly now that I know the cooker is capable of attaining a decent temperature. I will also keep on looking for black cooking pots and/or dutch ovens for next summer!

Monday 16 April 2012

Music I adore

I heard a song on the radio this morning on the way to work and it had my toe tapping (good thing I drive an automatic!).  I didn't get the artists name but google and New Zealands Top 40 list helped me locate the above gem.

Saturday 7 April 2012

Finally Time To Craft

It has been a over a month since I was last able to sit down, craft and then blog, the good news though is that our move is over and done with (it went successfully I'm pleased to say) and I now have the Easter holidays to catch up with my family, housework & crafts.

The above picture is from April 6th 2012 in my dairy and is a collage on top of a colouring page from (Color-in-Flowers: Volume 1).