Monday, 12 November 2012

Christmas is coming


 Isn't the Internet a wonderful tool?  

While perusing PinInterest a few weeks ago I came across a photo that linked to Lisa's Craft Blog where she has a tutorial for puzzle piece ornaments

As I happen to own a 1,000 piece puzzle which I purchased specifically for a purpose such as this I began gluing and glittering until my heart was content - above are six of my creations.  I have yet to put ribbons on them but once they have been attached they will grace our Christmas tree this year.  

Sunday, 11 November 2012

A Time of Change

The last three months have seen some fairly radical changes to our lives as a family so I must apologise for being missing in action so to speak.

Time to craft has been hard to come by but I have managed to snatch time occasionally to create.  Above is a paint chip decorated cover of a new journal and the first page of the same journal.

Radical I guess only just begins to describe the life less ordinary we are creating for ourselves. Earlier this year we moved back to the rental we vacated a year earlier to lower our living costs. Two months ago we made the decision to become a single income family and we have begun to shed the trappings which we'd begun to take for granted - things like cable tv,  a high speed internet connection, convenience food and national calling.

We've started doing simple things like baking our own bread, meal planning and cooking meals from scratch, op shopping, borrowing books/cds/dvds from the library and whenever possible walking. All things we did prior to becoming a double income family and we are all feeling the better for it.